
Showing posts from September, 2016

Class newsletter

Week of October 3, 2016 Dear Parents, I was so fun to see everyone at the cookout on Friday. I hope you enjoyed yourselves. The book fair has been wonderful. Thank you for all the books to add to our class library. I am sure all the students will enjoy the additions. I told the students that I am getting the flu shot this year at school, and I will go with them and get mine first. I hope this will help you encourage them since the shot is all that is offered this year.  I put a reminder in your Friday folder about your child's conference time. There is also information about the upcoming PTA auction. In the classroom: Social Studies/Science: We are finishing up our unit of inquiry "Who We Are". Students have been thinking about themselves and their many different roles. As the end of our unit, students are creating their goals for the year and rating themselves on a continuum of the learner profile attributes. These are items that they will go over with you at th

class newsletter

Week of September 26-30, 2016 Dear Parents, It was another spectacular week in second grade. I am enjoying working with your students so very much. Just a few reminders for the week: Early release is on Wednesday at 12:00 .  Lunch will be in our classroom. We will be eating around 11;00. Book fair begins on Monday and runs through Friday. We will visit the book fair as a class on Tuesday morning. Students will bring home a wish list and you can send money with them if you wish. If you want to accompany your student to the book fair, it opens at 7:20 in the morning and closes at 3:30. There will be no library this week due to the book fair. I want to brag about your students. They are so caring toward each other. At the end of the week, I give a extra coupons to the line walking champions for that week. Each week I have done this, your students have cheered and said, "great job!" They treat each other with great respect. It is heart-warming to see. This week in the

class newsletter

Week of 9-19-16 Dear Parents, What a wonderful week in second grade. We are really getting in the grove of learning. This week was the first week for homework.  Please remember to have your child fill out the homework folder and bring it to you for a parent signature. Monday will be our first homework folder turn in day.  In your Friday folder you will find a conference time confirmation slip. Friday was also our first ticket turn in day.  One of the prizes for ticket turn in is to bring a stuffed animal. I have explained to the students that the stuffed animal has to be a small one and must fit on their desk. We will have ticket turn in twice a month.  We are also working on our class point and we are almost there. Snacks : I have had several students forget their snack this week. I have small packets of pretzels that I am bringing in to have just in case.  Please help your child remember their snack. What is happening in the classroom: Social Studies/ Science: We have been l

Class newsletter

Week of September 12, 2016 Dear parents, What a fun week in second grade this week. Thank you so much for coming to the parent orientation. If you were unable to attend, a letter with all the details I went over is in the Friday folder. If you were unable to sign up for a conference, I will be sending an email on Monday with time that are available.  I enjoyed meeting everyone again and am looking forward to our goal setting conferences on October 10.  I will be sending home a note in next Friday's folder to confirm your conference time. The Friday before the conferences, I will send home a reminder in the Friday folder. PTA is getting ready for our biggest fund-raiser, the silent auction. Flyers are in your Friday folder with information about it. I also sent home a math paper that I told students they can finish has homework next week. They do not have to it is optional. Homework folders will go home on Monday, September 12.  The first turn in day will be Monday, Septemb

Class newsletter

Week of September 5, 2016 Dear Parents, What a spectacular week in second grade. I am so excited about working with your students this year. Please don't forget that our parent orientation is this Thursday, September 8 from 5:00 to 5:30. I hope to see all the parents. If you have not signed up for text alert yet here is the information how to do that.  Sign up for text message alerts by texting @4972da to 81010.  You will receive a message asking for your full name send your name back and you will be added.  Homework will begin the Monday after the parent orientation. I want to explain homework before I send it home.   Don't forget Monday is a school holiday.  I will see everyone on Tuesday.  What is happening in class: Science and Social Studies: We are continuing our unit of inquiry "Who We Are".  This week we have been learning about tools readers, writers, scientists, and mathematicians use.  We also explored different scientists and what th