class newsletter

Week of September 26-30, 2016

Dear Parents,

It was another spectacular week in second grade. I am enjoying working with your students so very much. Just a few reminders for the week:
Early release is on Wednesday at 12:00.  Lunch will be in our classroom. We will be eating around 11;00.
Book fair begins on Monday and runs through Friday. We will visit the book fair as a class on Tuesday morning. Students will bring home a wish list and you can send money with them if you wish. If you want to accompany your student to the book fair, it opens at 7:20 in the morning and closes at 3:30.
There will be no library this week due to the book fair.

I want to brag about your students. They are so caring toward each other. At the end of the week, I give a extra coupons to the line walking champions for that week. Each week I have done this, your students have cheered and said, "great job!" They treat each other with great respect. It is heart-warming to see.

This week in the classroom:

Social Studies and Science:
We have been learning about traditions and culture. Students created Google drawings to teach other student what they learned. They were so very creative. Students will be making a connection between what they learned about culture and traditions to themselves. All of these things make us who we are. Students will be wrapping up learning about who they are with a reflection each of them will share at student led conferences.

We have been learning about three digit numbers and making models of three digit numbers with base ten blocks. Students will be learning about expanded notation of three digit numbers. They will also be learning to place three digit numbers on a number line.

Students will be learning about using word choice to help the reader understand the setting and character traits in their stories.

Students will be learning about using visualization, prediction, and inferring skills to better understand what they are reading.

Word Work:
Please continue with the word sort I sent home last week.  In class, we are working on a class word sort and will be learning a variety of activities to do with word sorts.  

Secret word of the week; Belle (because she loves books)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. Hansen


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