
Showing posts from January, 2017

Class newsletter

week of January 30, 2017 Dear Parents, Another great week in second grade. Students are doing a wonderful job on creating their small moments stories. They are enjoying reading fairy tales and discovering the elements of fairy tales. The are also excited about using google Earth to find different landmarks throughout the world. Word work for next week will be different. Students will be studying words from the high frequency word list that they missed on previous tests. They will have up to 10 words. If they have fewer than 10 words, they will be able to pick words they want to learn to spell. Class picture envelopes are in the Friday folders this week. The class picture will be on Thursday, February 2 at 11:00.  Please return the envelope if you would like to purchase a class picture. The class Valentine's Day party will be on Tuesday, February 14 from 1:15 to 2:00.  A letter about the party along with a class list on the back will be in the Friday folder. Baggie book

Classroom newsletter

Week of January 23, 2017 Dear parents, What a wonderful week in second grade. We had a restful holiday on Monday and went right to work on Tuesday. We had a wonderful week learning about choices for further education after high school. Mrs. Hougham came to visit and introduced the students to an interactive web based game to learn about future careers. The students will have access from home to continue to play. Mrs. Hougham is going to share how to do this in the weekly updates from the principal.  Science fair begins next week so we will not have library checkout next Friday. Science fair viewing night is Wednesday, January 25 from 6:00 to 7:00 in the library. Please remember to return literacy library books "baggie books" on Monday. Volunteers will be here Monday to change the books out. In the classroom: Science and Social Studies: We have been working all week on our ending project for our unit of inquiry for How We Express Ourselves. The central idea was: Idea

class newsletter

Week of 1-16-17 Dear Parent, Please don't forget that Monday is a school holiday. I will see everyone on Tuesday. This week is education go get it week. Below is a list of spirit days your child can choose to participate in during EGGI Week: Tuesday: Spicewood School Shirt Day —At Spicewood Elementary we work to build a strong educational foundation in preparation for our bright futures! Wednesday: College/Military/Training Program T-Shirt Day —You have to get the education and skills before you get the job you want! Show your spirit for higher education and training opportunities to build our education and skills! Thursday: Dress for Success Day —It’s interview time—dress to impress in the career world (dress in “interview” attire - you have to look the part to get the job!). Friday : My Future Career Day —You’ve finally landed your dream job—dress up in your future career gear! What is happening in the classroom: Science/Social Studies: This week we exp

class newsletter

week of January 9-13, 2017 Dear Parents, Welcome back to our second semester. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break. Happy New Year. We are getting back into the swing of things in the classroom this week and I am excited about our second semester. Baggie books are due Monday, January 9. Don't forget we go to the library on Friday.  Report cards will be in Friday folders today January 6. Please keep the report card, sign the envelope and return the envelope.  We have a school holiday on Monday, January 16. In the classroom: science/social studies: We have been learning about sound and light energy. We have learned about the need for vibration to make sound. We have also learned about the different amounts of light and how that helps us see objects.  This next week we will be learning about force and motion. We will be learning about how objects spin, roll and slide. We will also be learning about magnetism as a force that can push or pull.  math: We are working on