class newsletter

Week of 1-16-17

Dear Parent,

Please don't forget that Monday is a school holiday. I will see everyone on Tuesday. This week is education go get it week.

Below is a list of spirit days your child can choose to participate in during EGGI Week:

Tuesday: Spicewood School Shirt Day—At Spicewood Elementary we work to build a strong educational foundation in preparation for our bright futures!
Wednesday: College/Military/Training Program T-Shirt Day—You have to get the education and skills before you get the job you want! Show your spirit for higher education and training opportunities to build our education and skills!
Thursday: Dress for Success Day—It’s interview time—dress to impress in the career world (dress in “interview” attire - you have to look the part to get the job!).
Friday: My Future Career Day—You’ve finally landed your dream job—dress up in your future career gear!

What is happening in the classroom:

Science/Social Studies:
This week we explored motion and forces. We learned about the different types of motion including spinning, sliding, and rolling. We also learned about what a force is and explored the force of magnetism. We will be working on our summative project for our unit of inquiry this next week. Students will be brainstorming an idea and expressing the idea in a way they choice. 

We have been working on all different types of strategies for subtraction. Including counting on, counting back, using a numberline, making a model with base ten, breaking numbers apart, and using a 100's chart. Next week, we will be looking at adding and subtracting higher numbers. We will be working toward regrouping. 

We set goals this week for our writing. We also began making a plan for a small moments story. We will continue planning and drafting our small moment story next week.

We have been working on figurative language. We will be reading and responding to different types of poems next week. 

I hope you have a wonderful holiday on Monday. 

Secret word: Martin Luther King

Ms. Hansen 


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