
Showing posts from September, 2015
Week of September 28, 2015 Dear Parents, Thank you all so much for coming to the conferences.  It was such a pleasure to meet everyone and talk about the goals for the year.  I am looking forward to such a wonderful year. In the Friday folder was the envelope for picture day. If you would like to purchase picture, please send in the envelop before picture day Wednesday, October 7.  Our picture time is at 10:40. Please be saving your box tops and items for our merchant rebate.  You can send them in to me any time. Please make sure to check the efolder for items. This week in: Science and Social Studies:  We continue to work on our "Who We Are" unit of inquiry.  We learned about what makes a good citizens be reading about a variety of people who were good citizens.  We created a list of characteristics of good citizens.  Students also started to write in a journal about making good choices.  We will continue with our good choices journal and begin to work on learn


Students read The Most Magnificent Thing and then created their own magnificent thing. 
Week of September 21, 2015 Dear Parents, Thank you for signing up for parent conferences next week. I placed a reminder in the Friday folder with your child's time.  Please remember these are student led conferences and your child should be present at the conference. The students have set goals for themselves and want to share them with you. Also in your Friday folder is a notice about the upcoming book fair.  It is always a wonderful event. Please make sure to check the efolder each week for important information. A link can be found on my links page or the Spicewood home page. In Science/social studies: We continued with our "Who We Are" unit by exploring the many different roles of Benjamin Franklin.  Students completed a web outlining his many different roles including inventor, scientist, good citizen, and writer.  Student also had an opportunity to reflect on goals for themselves for the year.  They are excited to share them with you. In Math: We finis

International Dot Day

Week of September 14, 2015 Dear parents, Thank you so much for coming to the parent orientation.  A letter summarizing everything from last night is in the Friday folder. Don't for get to book your conference at The deadline for signing up for the school directory is this Monday, September 14.  There is a notice in you Friday folder about this. Homework folders will come home this Monday.  I will explain the procedures to the students.  The first turn in date will be Tuesday, September 22.  Thank you. This coming week: In science and social studies We will continue our Who We Are unit of inquiry.  We continue to look at our different roles as students.  We will be taking a close look at how scientists practice safety.  We will be using historical figures as examples of scientists, mathematicians, artists, writers, historians, and models of good citizenship.  Students will be self-reflecting and creating goals for their conferences. I
Week of September 7, 2015 Dear Parents, What a wonderful second week of second grade.  We have been working hard this week.  We have learned about tools that scientists, mathematician, readers, writer, artists, learners, thinkers, and citizens use.  We have learned about each other in our class.  We learned we have many musicians, artists, dancers, martial artists, video gamers, builders, and many other roles in our classroom.  We have also learned about what mathematicians use graphs for, how they make them and what questions they ask about them.  Students gathered their own data and will be making individual graphs next week. We have begun the reading assessments, and I am hoping to have them done before conferences. Please don't forget about our parent orientation on Thursday, September 10 at 6:00 in our classroom. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. Thank you everyone for returning the volunteer sheets.  I am going to organize them this weekend and should be sendin