
Showing posts from December, 2014
Week of January 5 - 9, 2015 Dear parents, It has been a wonder first semester with your children.  It is great to see how independent they are getting with their learning.  The student's have created Google webs and Google presentations.  They have really grown in their problem solving thinking.  I want to thank you for all your support at home this semester.  The students have completed the test for the third list of high frequency words.  The papers are in their Friday folders.  Please continue to practice words your student has missed on the lists and work on lists 4 and 5. There is no school on Monday, January 5.  I will see the students back, ready for a great second semester, on Tuesday, January 6. I hope you and your families have a wonderful winter break.  Happy holidays to everyone. IB tidbit; Did you know that the students learn and apply the PYP attitudes?  We use these different attitudes to become better citizens in our class and school community. In Scienc
Week of December 15-18, 2014 Dear Parents: What an amazing week. Students have been busy with research projects, presenting, and coding.  It is wonderful to see them become such independent learners.  They are really using their thinking, communication, research, and self-management skills. Don't forget about Principal's Pride on Monday morning at 8:00. Our holiday party will be on Thursday, December 18.  Look for letter with details about the party in the Friday folder.  Please don't forget to sign up to help with set up or clean up for the party. IB tidbit: Did you know that the students learn about being internationally minded through the learner profile attributes.  These attributes are recognized at the Principal's Pride assembly every 9 weeks.  The profile consists of the attributes: risk-taker, reflective, balanced, principled, caring, communicator, inquirer, thinker, open-minded, and knowledgeable.   Science/social studies: This week we learned about

Fun with hour of code

Week of December 8, 2014 Dear Parents, It is hard to believe, but our first semester is almost at a close.  I sent home notices in the Friday folder if your child was receiving principals' pride on Monday, December 15.  Please make sure to sign and return the folder every Monday. Our winter holiday party will be Thursday, December 18. Second grade teachers will be sending home a letter in the Friday folder this week to give you details about the party.  Please help Mrs. Norman by signing up on her volunteer sheet.  Thank you!!! Our class will be participating in the hour of code this week on Wednesday.  Don't forget students do not have school on December 19. IB tidbit: Did you know that all IB PYP schools around the world organize their curriculum in the same six transdisciplinary themes which include: Who We Are, Sharing the Planet, How we Express Ourselves, How the World Works, Where We are in Place and Time, and How we Organize Ourselves. In science/social studies: