Week of December 15-18, 2014

Dear Parents:
What an amazing week. Students have been busy with research projects, presenting, and coding.  It is wonderful to see them become such independent learners.  They are really using their thinking, communication, research, and self-management skills.
Don't forget about Principal's Pride on Monday morning at 8:00.
Our holiday party will be on Thursday, December 18.  Look for letter with details about the party in the Friday folder.  Please don't forget to sign up to help with set up or clean up for the party.

IB tidbit:
Did you know that the students learn about being internationally minded through the learner profile attributes.  These attributes are recognized at the Principal's Pride assembly every 9 weeks.  The profile consists of the attributes: risk-taker, reflective, balanced, principled, caring, communicator, inquirer, thinker, open-minded, and knowledgeable.  

Science/social studies:
This week we learned about classifying matter by physical properties.  Students explored gummy worms, frozen gummy worms, balloons with air, balloons without air, melted Popsicle, and frozen Popsicle.  Students used their observation skills to learn about the different properties of each.  Next week will will begin looking at how heating or cooling can change matter.

We have been working on reviewing graphing and three digit place value including number lines, models, comparing values, and written forms of numbers.  We will begin looking at measurement next week and continue this after the winter break.
We also took time to join in with the "hour of code".  What a great experience.  The link is available for students to use at home.  Try it out.  You will get hooked too!  

Reading and Writing:
Students finished their summative research project for Sharing the Planet.  Their webs are on display in the hallway.  Students also worked on researching a holiday they were interested in and making a presentation to give to the class.  Students will be presenting next week.  We will also begin reading poetry for our How We Express Ourselves unit.

Please remember to check the Friday folder, the Friday efolder, and the principal's update to stay up with the latest school information.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. Hansen


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