Week of January 5 - 9, 2015

Dear parents,
It has been a wonder first semester with your children.  It is great to see how independent they are getting with their learning.  The student's have created Google webs and Google presentations.  They have really grown in their problem solving thinking.  I want to thank you for all your support at home this semester.  The students have completed the test for the third list of high frequency words.  The papers are in their Friday folders.  Please continue to practice words your student has missed on the lists and work on lists 4 and 5.

There is no school on Monday, January 5.  I will see the students back, ready for a great second semester, on Tuesday, January 6.

I hope you and your families have a wonderful winter break.  Happy holidays to everyone.

IB tidbit;
Did you know that the students learn and apply the PYP attitudes?  We use these different attitudes to become better citizens in our class and school community.

In Science/Social Studies:
We have been working on changes to matter by heating and cooling.  We will continue with this when we return in January.  We will be doing a heating and cooling experiment that the class will take all the way through the science process.  We will be creating a class science fair project as a model for students if they are interested in doing a project of their own. If your student is interested in doing an independent project for the science fair, please go to the PTA website for information.

In math:
Students have concluded their study of three digit numbers and have started to discuss measurement. We have reviewed non-standard measurement and will begin standard measurement, including standard and metric measures, in January when we return.

In Reading/Writing:
Students researched and created a presentation about a holiday they were interested in.  The students presented to the class their information.  We will begin "How We Express Ourselves" when we return in January.  The central idea is: People express themselves through poetry.  Students will be immersing themselves in poetry and learning to express themselves through poetry.  They will be learning about their "poet eyes"

Mark your calendar for January 30 at 8:00 for our "Poet Tea".  Students will be sharing their poetry will parents.

Have a wonderful break, a happy holiday, and a happy New Year,
Ms. Hansen


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