Class newsletter

Week of October 3, 2016

Dear Parents,

I was so fun to see everyone at the cookout on Friday. I hope you enjoyed yourselves. The book fair has been wonderful. Thank you for all the books to add to our class library. I am sure all the students will enjoy the additions. I told the students that I am getting the flu shot this year at school, and I will go with them and get mine first. I hope this will help you encourage them since the shot is all that is offered this year.  I put a reminder in your Friday folder about your child's conference time. There is also information about the upcoming PTA auction.

In the classroom:

Social Studies/Science:
We are finishing up our unit of inquiry "Who We Are". Students have been thinking about themselves and their many different roles. As the end of our unit, students are creating their goals for the year and rating themselves on a continuum of the learner profile attributes. These are items that they will go over with you at their student led conference. They will also have a portfolio with some work samples to show. Our next unit will be Sharing the Planet. We will be learning about basic needs of plants and animals, animal characteristics and how all of theses tie into natural resources and the availability of natural resources.

We have been working on three digit place value. We have been working with number lines and placing 3 digit numbers on the number line. The correct placement of numbers on a blank number line is often difficult because it is an abstract skill. We will continue to work on this skill throughout the year. We are also learning about 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, 100 less, with three digit numbers. We have also been comparing three digit numbers. This will be our last week for this.

Students have been working on a variety of types of writing. Making lists, writing stories, writing letters. Students have been working on skills to create characters in their stories.

We have been working on characterization. Learning about how authors create characters with description. We have also been learning that often readers have to infer to understand a character.

Word Work:
A new sort will go home on Monday with your students. High frequency words will begin the week of conferences.

The secret word is: Buzzy Lightyear.

I hope you have a very pleasant weekend.
Ms. Hansen.


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