Class newletter

Week of 10-11-16

Dear Parents,

I am looking forward to conferences on Monday. Please make sure to bring your child as this is a student led conference.

School pictures will be on Wednesday, October 12 at 10:00.

You should receive a letter in your Friday folder about the OLSAT test. Your child will be taking the OLSAT next Thursday and Friday. We will begin at 7:45 so please make sure your child is on time to school. Thank you. This is not a test that your child can study for. It is a listening and reasoning test. You can help your child be reassuring them and helping them to have a stress free morning.

Ms.Anderson will be finishing up her time with our class on Friday, October 14. I will be having the students make cards for her before she leaves. Ms. Hernandez will join our class the following Monday.

What is happening in class:

Social Studies/Science:
We have finished our "Who We Are" unit of inquiry. The students created a puzzle person with all their different roles, they created an I Am poem, and created goals for themselves for the year as ending projects. This was a great unit for the students to really think about how they learn and see themselves in a variety of roles. We are starting "Sharing the Planet".  The central idea is: Living things share natural resources. We will be learning about the basic needs of plants and animals and learning about the natural resources used by living things.

We are finishing up our study of three digit place value. We have learned how to write two and three digit numbers in standard form, word form, and expanded form. We have learned how to place two and three digit numbers on a number line. We have also compared two and three digit number values. We will be learning about two digit addition strategies.

We will begin our study of non-fiction. We are going to be learning about how to use non-fiction text features to help us find information. We will be ending our study of non-fiction with a research project.

We will be learning about writing non-fiction. We will be modeling how to take research information and put it into a non-fiction book.

Word Work:
Students received a new sort last week. We will begin our class word study with long vowel sound patterns.

High Frequency words for the week:
am an and as ask at dad fat hast has had man sat ate came gave name make made same
Oddballs: any anything many a what

Secret word of the week: Simba

Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. Hansen


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