Week of March 7, 2016

Dear Parents,

What a fabulous music program we had on Thursday evening. The students did such a wonderful job and were so enthusiastic. It was so much fun to watch. A huge thank you to our Music teachers Ms. McKenna and Ms. Mary.  They are so dedicated to the students.
Principal's pride will be Monday, March 21, 2016 at 8:00 in the cafeteria. Principal's pride notices went home in the Friday folders. If your child has not received Principal's pride they will in the final presentation which will by on Monday, May 23.
March 11, 2016 will be our enrichment day.  It will be tied to STEAM which stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math.  It is always a fun learning day.
March 14 -18, 2016 is spring break.  Enjoy the time off. No homework that week.
March 25 is our spring holiday
Report Cards for the third nine weeks will go home on April 8.
Spring carnival will be the evening of April 15.

This week in the classroom:
Science and Social Studies: We continue to work on our Where We Are in Place and Time.  We are learning about how climate affects where people live and their jobs.  We are also learning about different types of government and deciding what type of government our community will have. We will be following that with services provided by the government and how those services are paid for. We will end the unit by planning out our community and creating it in MineCraft.edu.

Math: We are working on strategies to add and subtract when we have to regroup or rename numbers. Students are learning how to use a numberline, break apart strategy, base ten block models, and renaming numbers to solve problems.

Writing: We are learning about how author's create great characters. What are character traits, character feelings, and character motivations. We are using folktales to learn about characters and writing about different characters.

Reading: We have been reading a variety of fairy tales. We have been learning about the elements of the plot and comparing different versions of the same tale.  We will continue to look at the characteristics of different tales including fables, legends, and myths.

Word work: We have been working on how to make words plural and the high frequency word list.  Next week will will work on what makes a sentence. We will also begin looking at the high frequency word list 5.

Secret word of the week: Music program

Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. Hansen


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