Week of January 26, 2015

Dear Parents:

What a wonderful week with your students.  We had some great learning experiences this week.  We built structures to hold cotton balls.  We explored sound energy.  We read and wrote more poetry.  I am looking forward to the students sharing their poetry with you at the "Poet Tea".  An invitation with time and date was sent home in the Friday folder.  Don't forget if you have a science fair project it is due Monday.  We will also have our author visit on Tuesday morning.

IB tidbit:
One of the elements of PYP is students taking action.  Action does not mean a huge service project. Action can be as simple as reading a book about something we are studying.  It can also be sharing at home what students have learned.  Be on the look out for action in small ways.

In Science/Social Studies:
We are working on physical changes.  We changed paper and we used materials to build a structure.   This next week we will be learning about force, motion, and energy.  We have started exploring sound energy by listening to different objects make sound.  We will be exploring light energy next.

In math:
We have been looking at strategies to add and subtract larger numbers.  Students have been using a variety of strategies to solve problems with higher numbers.  We also read a poem with a math problem in it.  We discussed different ways to find the solution.  Students then created their own poem containing a math problem.

In Reading and Writing:
We have been learning about sensory language.  Students created poems that contained sensory words.  We also discussed why poet's might write a poem.  Students discovered that poets write poems for many reasons including to teach a lesson, to give information, to be humorous, or to express feelings.  Students decided that many poets wrote poems with multiple purposes.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  I look forward to seeing you at the poet tea on Friday, February 6 from 10:30 to 11:15.  Stay warm and dry.

Ms. Hansen


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